Application of compound glass fiber cloth into the reinforcement of old bridges can guarantee the stress components to work jointly and provide an overall support against the load. 采用高强复合玻璃纤维布进行旧桥加固,能够保证受力构件协同工作,结构整体受力,共同承担荷载。
Etherification waterproofing Compound Antiseptic Treatment of Hydraulic Steel-gate Using Polyester Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic 醚化防水整理法(一种活性防水剂与纤维素结合成醚,有良好的耐水性和耐久性)水工钢闸门聚酯玻璃钢复合防腐处理方法
Electrical components which contain lead in a glass or matrix compound except glass in bulbs and glaze of spark plugs. 其中含有铅玻璃或基复合材料,除了在灯泡玻璃,釉火花塞的电气元件。
The properties of antibacterial polypropylene compound material with Ag-carrying phosphate glass antimicrobial agent were studied. 对以磷酸盐玻璃载银抗菌剂制备的聚丙烯复合材料进行了性能研究。
This paper relates that the thoughts of the compound of PEN and PEN/ PET replaces beer glass bottle by polyester one. 本文论述了PEN/PET共混物(或共聚物)取代啤酒玻璃瓶的思路。
Analyses the composition and properties of the duct composed of a compound aluminum foil fibre glass, points out its advantages and limitations. 分析了复合铝箔玻璃纤维风管的构成、特点,说明该产品的性能优势和局限性。
Adopting the method stipulated by GB18098-2000 Standard, the content of poisonous gas had been determined after single compound was detonated which was bottled with glass tube. 用GB18098-2000标准规定的方法,采用玻璃管装药,测定了单质炸药梯恩梯爆炸后有毒气体的含量。
Photocatalytic Reduction of Nitro Compound in Quartz Glass Reactor 石英反应器中硝基物的光催化还原
Tensile yield behaviour of LDPE compound filled with glass beads 微珠填充LDPE复合物的拉伸屈服行为
The some performances and the micro-structure of common silicate glass are studied, the concept of compound glass and 3 ways of making high-tension glass are proposed. At the end of this paper, the structure of compound glass is analysed. 研究了普通硅酸盐玻璃的一些性能和微观结构,提出了复合玻璃的概念,并且提供了制造高伸缩性玻璃的三种方法,对复合玻璃的结构做了分析。
The development and the application of new metallic materials were described, including the intermetallic compound materials, metallic glass alloy with amorphous thin strip and block forms, metallic materials and metallic matrix composites materials with nanocrystalline grain size, the prediction to the prospect was carried out. 探讨了新型金属材料的现状、应用与发展,包括金属间化合物、非晶带和大块金属玻璃合金、纳米晶粒尺度的金属材料及金属基复合材料等,并对其发展远景进行了预测。
The fire-resistant glass consists of single and compound glass according to the structure. 防火玻璃按结构分等级,可分为单层防火玻璃和复合防火玻璃。
The Preliminary Research on Compound Glass 关于复合玻璃的初步探讨
Research& design of flexible compound reclaimer for used water glass sand 柔性复合式水玻璃旧砂再生机的研究与设计
Preparation and Properties of Compound Hydrogels Composed of Polyvinyl Alcohol and Bioactive A-W Glass Ceramic A-W生物活性微晶玻璃/聚乙烯醇复合水凝胶的制备和性能
The single panel fire-resistant glass represents a new functional glass material, compared with the compound glass, it has the high transparence ratio, high mechanical properties and it is easy to install. 与复合防火玻璃相比,它平整度高、透过率高、透光性好、强度高、结构简单,便于安装。
The refining effects of the F model compound glass additive in white glass have been studied in our workshop. 本文采用在生产车间一条线上做试验,试制F型复合玻璃添加剂在高白料中的澄清效果。
The LB films of a novel Amphiphilic porphyrine-viologen compound were deposited on various slids ( glass, silicon, graphite) and their structures were studied by π-A isotherm analysis, UV-absorption spectra, little and low angle X-ray diffraction and STM. 本文制备了两亲性卟啉-紫精化合物的LB膜材料,用π-A等温曲线、吸收光谱、小角和低角X射线衍射以及扫描隧道电镜(STM)等方法研究了LB膜的结构。
The Application of the F Model Compound Glass Additive to Glass Production F型复合玻璃添加剂在生产中的应用
The compound ionic effect of ternary glass 三元玻璃的复离子效应
Based on experiments, through the analyzation of the influence of boron-magnesium compound additives on formation of glass phase in sinter, the effecting rule and the mechanism of B 2O 3 and MgO on glass phase in sinter were discussed in this paper 在试验的基础上,通过分析硼镁复合添加剂对烧结矿形成玻相倾向的影响,讨论了B2O3和MgO对烧结矿玻璃相的作用规律和机理
High temperature resistant and thermal insulating DPFC pad is a compound component, using PPS resin as base resin and glass fiber as reinforcing material. DPFC耐高温隔热垫块是以PPS树脂为基体,以玻璃纤维等为增强材料制得的复合构件,它既能耐220℃以上的高温,又兼有隔热、承压性能。
Methods The compound material made from hydroxyapatite and biological activity microcrystal glass were coated and fired on the titanium alloy artificial joint. 方法用两种材料(羟基磷灰石及生物活性微晶玻璃)制成的复合材料,涂层、烧结在钛合金人工假体上。
A new type inorganic polymer compound flocculants PSCM was prepared by using water glass, aluminum sulfate and N-PAM as raw materials. 以聚硅酸(PSA)、硫酸铝(AS)、非离子型聚丙烯酰胺(N-PAM)为原料,制备了无机高分子复合絮凝剂PSCM。
Effect of Compound Complex Agent in Electroless Plating Ni-Fe-P Alloy on Glass Fibre 玻璃纤维化学镀Ni-Fe-P合金工艺中复合络合剂的影响
Investigation on compound refining agent of borosilicate glass 高硼硅玻璃的复合澄清剂研究
Research of nodular and vermicular graphite compound cast iron in glass mould material 玻璃模具用球墨/蠕墨复合铸铁的研究
The paper presents the breakdown mechanism and characteristics of epoxy resin compound and glass fiber and the mechanism and preventive measures of tree discharge on dry& type reactor surface. 分析并提出环氧树脂与玻璃纤维复合材料的电击穿机理、电抗器表面树枝状放电机理、表面放电检测方法及评价指标体系,以及表面放电防护措施。
The influence of boron-magnesium containing compound additives on formation of glass phase in sinter 硼镁复合添加剂对烧结矿玻璃相形成的影响
The compound fire-resistant glass is the special glass that is compounded by two or several layer glasses, or single panel and organic materials, which satisfies with the fire-resistant rate. 复合防火玻璃是由两层或两层以上玻璃复合而成或由一层玻璃和有机材料复合而成,并满足相应耐火等级要求的特种玻璃。